Love & Wisdom

Love & Wisdom

« Your task is not to seek for love,
but merely to seek and find all of the barriers within yourself
that you have built against it. »

Timeless Teachings

This 3-day journey is for those who would like to look at ‘what is in the way’ so that the connection with themselves and with life can become a more nourishing and fulfilling one. 

♦ It is for those who would like to understand and know better their unconscious ways of functioning in life.
♦ It is for those who would like to let go of their emotional bond and regain confidence and self-esteem.
♦ It is for those who would like to live their life based on Love and on Wisdom.

Course content
Transformation happens when we move from the head to the heart, from refusal to acceptance, when we stop living our life from emotional and behavior patterns.
Interactive structures, guided and active meditations will support you to move towards a more conscious an truthful understanding of yourself. 
Sharing and structured communication excercises will enable a connection with what is real for you.

♦ Day one → Gaining Clarity & Self-Confidence 
The first and foremost step is to understand our ways of functioning by bringing clarity to our desires, to our needs and to our heart longings. When we bring clarity to our inner world, self-confidence arises naturally.

♦ Day two → Opening to our Energy 
On this second day we will open the door to the feelings that we have often repressed.  Our fears, our anger are part of our vital energy. Releasing their potential is essential for our wellbeing. With active meditation, interactive structures and sharing we will explore healthy ways to release and express these feelings. Your life will regain fluidity, spontaneity and become creative and fulfilling.

♦ Day three → Restoring a Healthy Connection
Hurts and pain have shaped your ways of being in life. Learning how to stand for yourself, how to be in your own energy is also an essential step on this journey. Transformation arises when the heart in involved. Opening lovingly to these sensitive spaces will help healing to take place.

Benefit of the course - what you will gain from participating
In this course you will find a climate of trust and kindness which will support you to open to your reality. Supported by this friendly environment you will be able to access a more authentic way of relating with yourself as well as with the world around you.
You will gain…

♦ Clarity – by recognizing and better understanding the dynamics that are taking place within you . 
♦ Self-Confidence - by relating with yourself  and the world around you in a healthier way.
♦ Love - by increasing  your capacity to relate and communicate with others naturally and effortlessly.
♦ Wisdom - will become your guide through lived experiences rather than through intellectual kownledge.

The Upcoming Events page will tell you when and where the next one is scheduled.

What some participants have said
Ling Mae Li, Suzhou – China
« My heart is a little more at peace after this workshop and my gratitude goes to you, the teacher for the sensitive and caring way that you guided and supported me, and the group, in this workshop. It made me feel safe to open to my inner reality and share it with others. Something in me has changed after this workshop; yet I am not sure what it is. I just feel more at ease with myself, and I can also see changes in the ways I live my life, so my way of being in life has also improved after this workshop. A warm hearted ‘thank you’ to you Rakendra. »

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