The Freedom to be Oneself

The Freedom to be Oneself

« When there is a recognition that the denial of reality is at the root of our suffering,
the suffering automatically begins to reduce.
The Advaïta Teaching exhorts you to look! »

Advaïta Teaching

Being free to be oneself implies taking responsibility for our thoughts, for our feelings and how we express them. We have seen in the previous module, The Art of Relating, that our expression is often distorted as we generally tend to project our feelings towards others, either out of hurt or to have our needs met. We also project our ideas to prove our point. In this module you will experience a more conscious and mature way of expressing yourself.
Bringing Self-respect, Self-Trust and Responsibility in your life will give you the keys to Freedom.

Course content
With various structures, you will discover how to free yourself from the bondages that you are often entangled in, and thus experience Freedom. The practice of Dynamic meditation will support this experience of being free.

Day one → Understanding and exploring Responsibility.
On this first day we will explore, with different exercises and sharing, what being responsible to honestly express our feelings means. Self-respect comes naturally when we bring care and love to what is happening for us.

Day two → Expressing from the Root Centre
Criticism, blame, and anger are generally projected on others because we are not able to deal with the pain that our heart carries. Anger is then mainly used as a protection and domination mechanism. When anger is expressed from our power centre it usually becomes destructive. This second day will be dedicated to contact the strength and the vitality of our root centre and express anger in a totally new way.

Day three → Acceptance
Repression and denial are often playing an important part in our lives. Learning to say yes is not easy since it implies being in accordance to what is.. Acceptance is a ‘yes’ with what is, and as such, a key to freedom.

Benefit of the course - what you will gain from participating.
Within this supportive environment, you will be able to let go of the unhealthy behaviour patterns that you are entangled in by reconnecting with the reality of what is and expressing yourself from your authenticity. 

You will gain…

  • Freedom from any form of dependency.
  • Freedom to be and express yourself as you feel right to do.
  • An increased self-confidence and peace of mind.
  • You will regain your authenticity.

Taking responsibility for your feelings, owning your feelings and thought forms will bring easiness and simplicity in your lives. Relaxation, simplicity and easiness will then become your daily nourishment.

The Upcoming Events page will tell you when and where the next one is scheduled.

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