A Warmhearted Approach

A Warmhearted Approach

Our nature is spontaneity; everything in our body mechanism and nervous system, is dynamic and geared to immediate, spontaneous response to the situation at hand; an adequacy to the present moment. And such lives the child before he is ‘educated’ and enter into ‘serioushood’, this endemic illness generated by adulthood.
Yet, and many have understood this, it is with play, nonseriousness, acceptance and care that a human being can blossom. Playing is essential to our brain development, just as it is to our emotional development and this is to be taken seriously!
The proposed courses are based on this approach. 

Pointers on the Way
Public Talk

Sharing aspects of the Way often helps understanding to take place and with understanding comes a possibility of clarity, insights or self-recognition. That is what these talks aim to bring.

Connecting with Our Inner Child
From Concept to Reality

Our adult behaviour patterns are for most of them, governed by the positives and negative experiences which have paved our childhood, thus shaping who and what we are today. Becoming aware of this and resume the connexion with the child that we once were is an important step towards blossoming and the return of fullness.

Cooling the Flames
Gaining Emotional Freedom

Transformation happens when we move from the head to the heart, from refusal to acceptance, when we stop living our life from the emotional and behaviour patterns that hinder us. Then our life regains fluidity, spontaneity and becomes creative and fulfilling.

Innocence Regained
Welcoming & Supporting our Inner Child

Unconsciously and by necessity, we have put a veil on our legitimate desires, thus losing contact with our innocence, with our laughers, with our joy and our truth. Being split has become our usual way of existing in life. Dissolving this feeling of separation and restoring our lost innocence is a vital step on the way towards oneself.

The Art of Relating
For a Conscious & Fruitful Relating

As a follow up on the Embracing Our Inner Child series, this module will focus on how we can relate with ourselves, with others and with the world around us with self-confidence and easiness.

The Freedom to be Oneself
An Acceptance of What Is

We are born free. Yet, because of education during our upbringing we tend to lose this freedom to the profit of well-behaved manners. In this module you will understand and experience that it is possible to free yourself from the social conditioning that you are entangled in and live your life from a more relaxed and outgoing standpoint.

Opening to Intimacy
Letting Our Potentialities Flower

Following The Freedom to be oneself, this module aims to clear away the confusion and bring a clearer understanding on what ‘intimacy' really is and how sexuality can play its appropriate and healthy part in our lives.

Love & Wisdom
For a more Conscious & Harmonious Life

Journeying in life can bring contentment when we lovingly care for ourselves. Yet, most of the time we seldom love ourselves and life becomes a source of misunderstandings, a source of conflicts and most of all, a source of dissatisfaction and unhappiness. Our connection with ourselves and with life can be caring, loving and nourishing. What is in the way for this to become a reality?

The Inner Child Concept Unveiled
Deepening the understanding of the Inner Child concept

Whether you would like to learn how to facilitate the Embracing Our Inner Child process series or are already involved in facilitating other growth processes, this 2-day training introduction will help you clarify and understand more thoroughly the dynamic behind the concept as well as different aspects of the Inner Child work. These two days can also be a dedicated time for you to shade a light on and clarifying whatever is hindering you in pursuing your intentions.
