Embracing Maturity

Embracing Maturity

Embracing Maturity
A stream of three courses to be at ease in the world

« When the connection with our Inner Child is restored,
When our Life Energy is integrated,
Being in the world becomes a beautiful journey. »

Timeless Teachings

Our adult life is regularly paved with challenges that existence brings forth; quite often we feel uneasy when dealing with these challenges. We habitually regard them as obstacles blocking our easiness to be in life and we tend to strive against them in order to have our needs or expectations met. Taking this approach requires a great deal of efforts and does not necessarily bring us the peace of mind that we expect. Consequently our hearts start bearing resentment which leads us to show and express negative behaviours.
Another option is to consider these challenges as stepping stones for our growth. Taking this approach will strengthen our self-confidence and matureness as well as bring us a joy of ‘well done’ moves.
With the Embracing Maturity stream of courses, you will learn ways of relating with yourself, with others and with the challenges that life brings for you in a more confident and fruitful way.

Relating, whether it is with ourselves or with another is not an easy affair since it implies being self-confident and communicating to the best of our ability. When relating, the two main pitfalls that we can encounter are denial and dependency.
In our first module of this series, The Art of Relating, we will identify these pitfalls more clearly so that they can dissolve and learn ways of communicating effectively with strength and self-confidence. Learning to trust ourselves, rather than living in fear and recoil has also its importance in relating.

With increase self-confidence and trust, it becomes possible to be and act in life without restrictions, more spontaneously. In the second module, The Freedom to Be Oneself, we will reconsider our ways of dealing with our feelings, especially anger, in order to bring an end to our unconscious protection and projection mechanism. Moving from projecting our feeling to owning them will bring back this sense of freedom that we long for. It will also bring the power of acceptance back into our lives.

Our third and last module of the Embracing Maturity series is Opening to Intimacy. Intimacy is often misunderstood and holds its load of confusion and shame. This module will clarify what intimacy really is and implies. It will invite you to look upon intimacy from a caring perspective. This module will also take into account issues related to sexuality so as to dismantle potential confusions and misconceptions linked with sexuality. When sexuality is understood and lived consciously, it plays its appropriate and healthy part, bringing ease and contentment in our lives.

The Embracing Maturity stream of courses will allow you to recover a sense of wholeness and put a definitive end to this indistinct feeling of separation lingering in your hearts.