Their Experience

Their Experience

In these pages, people who participated in the different courses offered by Living our True Nature share their experience, their discovery about who they are, about what they are and how their lives changed as a result of participating in an Awareness Intensive or another course.
→ Click on one of the tab below to browse through these Expressions of their Experience.

Connecting with Our Inner Child

Olga - Bucharest - Romania

«I discovered something that I was not aware of before - that I did not wanted to see some parts in me, some aspects of myself that I considered tabou, not good. Now I can be more at ease with what comes up from inside of me. There was also a lot of confusion in my mind. Now I see more clearly the path I want to travel on. During these 3 days, I gained confidence and some clarity about me, about who I am.»

Jamy - Shanghai - China

«It made a difference to me when I reconnected with my inner child; something inside felt more whole, complete. I now know what direction I need to take.»

Robert - London - England

«This journey was the best one I have done so far. It gave me clarity and understanding on what to expect and not expect from our relationship. It also gave me the tools I needed to support my children in their growth. Thank you to the organizer and to the facilitator for supporting us in this journey.»

Ellen - Kristiansand - Norway

«Participating in this course with my husband was a real gift, not only for me but for our child too. Now I know what to avoid and what to emphasize in our relationship. I also have a better understanding of my needs and desires. I regained the trust that I had lost and my heart is more at peace.»

Cooling the Flames

Jean Pierre - Bordeaux - France

«It was the first time that I participated in such a group. I went there with quite some fear in my belly. Expressing anger has never been an easy thing for me. During this course, and with the help of everyone, I found the needed resources in myself to step beyond my fears and really move into anger. What a freedom I have gained! What a joy! Thank you all, thank you to the proposed structures, thank you Life! It's not that everything is now cleared away, I'm aware of that; yet I do think that my life will now take a new turn.»

Sergei - Rostov - Russia

«This group helped me discovering new ways of being with myself. I became more aware of my dark sides, of my emotions. I could accept myself in a new way, be more loving, more respectful towards me. I also discovered that I could express my emotions in new creative ways; in dancing for instance I could express sadness and frustration. I am very grateful for taking part in this course and thankful to the facilitator and the organizer.»

Jenny - Chengdu - China

«These three days helped me connect more clearly with a ‘negative' aspect of myself and with the power to say ‘no'. I felt the strength of this ‘no' is in and how liberating it was to say no'. Thank you for this ‘yes' to my ‘no'.»

Cat - Gillingham - England

«Thank you for the most beautifully held process. I felt completely safe in your hands and will always be grateful for the love and kindness with which you helped me see what I needed to see and to keep having the courage to feel the terror and communicate it.»

Innocence Regained

Lin Su - Taichung - Taiwan

«Connecting with the inner child was something new for me, in these four days I discovered how much this child in me needs love, affection and support. I laughed a lot during this course, just expressing myself in a childlike way. It was a beautiful and sensitive experience. Thank you.»

Cho Chan - Shenzhen - China

«Moving through the different structures proposed during the course was not always easy for me; it triggered insecurity and shame. Yet I was able to enjoy the playfulness of being a child again. And that is great!»

Philippe - Paris - France

«Being a boy was not an easy task in my life. Here I could reconnect with feelings that I had long forgotten and to my surprise ‘cry them out' in a healing way. Drawing and painting was fun, also playing with ‘other kids'. I feel really good to have been able to reconnect with aspects of myself long forgotten. I'll do this course again!»

Helena - Riga - Latvia

«I'm amazed by the fact that I could reconnect with a painful event in my childhood and express it to the point where there is no emotional trace of it, no emotional charge. I enjoyed the sweetness of being this little girl again in her innocence and laughter. It is so beautiful to have such a space for this. I'm in joy for no reason really, just because I am me I guess!»

Opening to Intimacy

Irina - Göteborg - Sweden

«This group gave me the opportunity to experience an acceptance of myself in all dimensions, in joy, in anger, in fear, in shyness, in gentleness, in sensuality, in sexuality. It was a true meeting with myself. I also started understanding that I am not my feelings, my emotions; I discovered that a place of silence, of stillness exists in me.»

Angelina - Bucharest - Romania

«I never knew I had so much sensuousness in me and that it was ok to express it. I feel so yummy… and I want to share this with others. I also connected with my playfulness; I could drop my serious face for a while. That was great! My issues in life became clearer. I could see what prevents me from being happy. »

Evelyn - Basel - Switzerland

«After an active meditation on the 2nd day, I was suddenly thrown into some unknown space to me. As if I was in the back seat of a car and someone else was driving. My body was there, my mind was there but I was not identified with them. I could see them without problems, even though my body started doing some strange movements on its own. After a while I became more at ease with this and could let it be. It was such a wonderful experience and it lasted for few hours. I want more… »

Sophie - Manchester - England

«I came to this group with the expectation to understand my fear of the unknown. Now I can be with that fear and trust that all is ok. I'm more accepting my inner moods. In this course, I could cut through layers of falsity in me and communicate from a space of truth. I also experienced that I am truth, that it is my nature. I gained trust and got closer to my innocence during these three days.»

Premananda - Kiev - Ukraine

«This course was a little difficult for me because I was confronted with my fear of authority and my refusal to comply with rules, to situations that are too challenging for me. Yet I felt that I had the freedom and the space to express these feelings. This opening to life energy was a good eye opener for me.»

Erwin - Kassel - Germany

«I don't usually trust in me very much and it took me some courage to make the step to come to this group. The ‘crossing' was far from easy! At least it gave me the understanding and the recognition that I can trust in myself, in my choices, and that there is always something good and nourishing that come out of these choices. A very big thank you for this insight.»

David - Edinburg - Scotland

«It is the lack of trust in me that brought me to participate in this course and it is trust that I found. Life is so mischievous! »

Reeta - Kuopio - Findland

«Dear Rakendra, After this group I want to turn towards light, trustfully, truthfully and with joy. There are no words to describe my appreciation and gratitude towards the support you have given during this intensive. You have helped me to see what is already there and to trust that it is true. I feel touched very deeply - Thank you»

Ling Mae Li - Suzhou - China

«My heart is a little more at peace after this workshop and my gratitude goes to you, the teacher for the sensitive and caring way that you guided and supported me, and the group, in this workshop. It made me feels safe to open to my inner reality and share it with others. Something in me has changed after this workshop; yet I am not sure what it is. I just feel more at ease with myself and I can also see changes in the ways I live my life, so my way of being in life has also improved after this workshop. A warm hearted ‘thank you' to you Rakendra.»

Lena - Odessa - Ukraine

«For the first time in my life, I could experience myself as love, realizing that everything that I need is already there, available for me. I gain more awareness and self-love. Still, certain barriers remain; the one of shyness, shyness to express myself, to express my love, my playfulness, to show it to myself and to others. It is the strongest and richest group I have done so far, thank you Rakendra.»

Individual Sessions

Diana - Shanghai - China

«Thank you for helping me sorting out the confusion that I was caught in, it truly helped me seeing how I act in the different aspects of my relationship. Clarity is what I most gained from this session.»

Aruna - Khabarovsk - Russia

«Even though I had worked so many times on this issue of being trapped in anger for small things, I could not allow myself to recognize and feel the pain that was underneath. With your loving support, I could access that part of me that experienced the hurt and let go of some of the pain. I know that there is more to let go of and that I will have to go through this pain but at least now I am more aware of what the foundation of my anger is, and use this in my daily life to not be so helpless as I was before when anger was striking in. Thank you Rakendra.»

Eric - Bordeaux - France

«With this series of sessions I found that now my heart is at peace and… unexpectedly, so is my mind. I'm not so busy with all these thoughts like I used to be. I've gained silence and stillness and joy is also present more often in my life. I can see how different I am towards myself now, more joyful and playful. Seriousness seems to have vanished and gratitude takes over. Thank you for your loving support Rakendra»

Ken - Beijing - China

«It was not easy for me to connect with my feelings as I stay more with my mind. During the session, I could see and experience the disconnection with my feelings, how I protect myself by always being in my mind. The fear to feel was strong, yet with the support provided I could allow myself to reconnect with the pain of the little boy in me that suffered so much. Now I can allow myself to feel and be more open. Still some work to do but now I know the way…. Thank you Rakendra»

A Zest of Self-enquiry

Rosalind - Bristol - England

«In these few hours I could connect with my ability to trust, trust in me, and trust that what I am experiencing is ok, trust in life in general. Thank you Rakendra for creating such a space.»

Deva - Lexington - Usa

«I've only participated in the awareness intensive evening events. All my fears and judgments were magnified in those two hours. I walked out feeling that two hours is a good start but not enough and that the process would continue in me for a while. The following week I joined the evening event again. This time I jumped right in and after peeling away layers of conditioning and masks, I suddenly experienced it – I saw who was in. I felt a deep silence in me and I was overwhelmed by the simplicity of my discovery. I felt so much gratitude for the process, the facilitator, my partner, and most of all to myself.»

Sylvia - Salzburg - Austria

«It was the first time that I participated in this kind of day. In the beginning, I was a little bit shy and not at ease, I did not know what to say, what to look for. After a while and thanks to my different partners I could enter into the ‘matter at hand'. I felt that this question: “Who am I?” was like an inner call, something from inside wanted to know the answer. Unfortunately, the day was soon over and I could not go further – really too short!»

Priya - Barcelona - Spain

«This ‘Awareness Day' was a premiere for me; my first self-enquiry encounter. And what an encounter it was! After a few dyads I could recognize that there was ‘me' and ‘my mind'. For the first time I could dis-identified from my thinking mind. I'm not my mind, what an experience! I'm sure there's a lot more to this but what a step. Thank you for providing the space for this to happen.»

Riding the bull home

Michel - Brest - France

«On the 2nd day evening, I experience something incredible, suddenly I was a tremendous energy, difficult to describe but it felt much bigger than an atomic bomb explosion. I remember the facilitator being right there behind me, encouraging me to present this, but I was so 'under the shock' of the experience, that I could not really grasp what was happening, let alone 'think' of words to say. It was so new and so sudden, unexpected, out of the blue. It is only after some explanation from the facilitator and some 'digesting time' that I understood what it was. I was experiencing myself as pure energy, or may be better to say, experiencing the pure energy that I am. This experience took me aback and discarded all the beliefs that I had about not being strong, not having enough energy in my life.»

Vandan - Osaka - Japan

«First, thanks to the organizers Komalagita & Daso and to Prem Rakendra who guided us into the work and to all the participants. I was the only men in this group, and I do like to share my experience. During Koan, beginning I was trying to be a listener for my partner, but I realize that was not easy for me. I was feeling fear and somewhat ashamed to watch and to listen. I felt between listening and sharing has a deep gap on same reason. I couldn't share what I was feeling or what came up on my mind when I was listening. When I recognize this, at certain point, thoughts and feelings and observations are because of presence of someone's talking and presence of my listening. This realization released me. After this, I could have deep listening attitude as same time I could sense the surroundings the phenomenon that observable fact, and became easy to talk. I learned how to face myself by consciously watching on direction of attention. Back into the daily life, I am relaxing comparing before the group, also feeling of openness. I start noticing where I am now and not run away from it.»

Landy - Shenzhen - China

«I could connect with something in me that felt more real, truer. I got clearer around my problems and about the excuses that I give myself in life for not being who I am. The explanation given and the energetic contact with other participants really helped me into gaining more self-awareness, helped me coming back to myself and discovering my own feelings and my multiple identities.»

Paul - Charlotte - Usa

«During this intensive, I was very much in contact with stillness, especially on the 2nd day, experiencing myself as stillness. I felt tremendously supported by one partner who was also in the same connection. We were both supporting one another in our experience and sharing this space was beautifully simple. Overall, I noticed that I moved through some ‘cycles', another way of saying this could be ‘layers'. I went through phases of not knowing, of being completely in the realm of the personality, of dealing with day-to-day stuff, of not being in contact with anything, or of being high, very connected, in complete stillness and having to make an effort to break that with communication, etc… Each day brought something new, yet this time I was more accepting this roller coaster, the simplicity of it, the ‘nowness' of it. I feel grateful to all my partners, wherever they were at with their own process was a help for me as it resonated with my own ‘state of being' of that moment.»

Minoko - Osaka - Japan

«Something about ‘Truth', about being true, about sincerity, about innocence was a constant during all these days. I could experience myself a few times in that state of non-separation from the one I am. Experiencing “I am what I am” with no wish or desire to change that. It is a ‘nice' and flowing state to be in. I noticed that some stories/poems that Rakendra told us touched me and helped me a lot in moving more towards myself and thanks to one partner, I could experience or get a glimpse of the experience that “everything is ok as it is”, that ‘I am ok as I am'. Something that I've heard many masters say but could not truly grasp or ‘understand' properly; now I have experience it, at least a taste of it. At the end of this intensive, I fell into a beautiful space of contentment, very loving and radiating. I guess it was an inner recognition of ‘all the good work' that I had done. Unfortunately, that experience didn't last too long, yet it is really a nice space to be in.»

Steven - Ontario - Canada

«A total mind-blowing experience!»

Chizuru - Osaka - Japan

«No talking during the course was inconvenience, but I realized that usually un-necessarily I do non-interesting talk, using a word for showing to be good girl! It was really pleasant! Things came up that I thought were already resolved. I have been escaping in order to be free but in fact, I was so far from it. I see myself and realized that escaping doesn't give me freedom. I think that it is something that I could let go in this course. The amazing thing was to hear from a partner's communication what I needed most. Dynamic meditation! At the beginning I was scare and I thought that I am going crazy, and on the 3rd day I could see that my fear was fading away. During Koan, there was time when I was empty, there was time when I felt everybody and everything is in me, rain and tree and bird and someone's voice. I felt that I became just a big eye and at the same time that my ears became ultra-sensitive microphone which could pick up very small sounds and all of sounds at same time. Really, my body became the house that many things can visit and go. I would like to stay in this state. When I reached back home, I sat facing the wall and asked: ‘who am I?' Some confusion and disorder have cleared up and that felt good! (I guess I will join again for next time ♪)»

Anandi - Neuchâtel - Switzerland

«It was a very deep process for me; it allowed me to face all my inner conflicts and resistances. I became aware that resistance is recurring in my life and it prevents me from being happy. Towards the 3rd day, I experienced changes in my body – better digestion, feeling lighter, and a completely different face. After the group was over, I was so present and aware of the stillness inside and I began experiencing being the watcher.»

John - Reno - Usa

«In the beginning when I was asking myself: ‘who is in?' so many things came up; parts of me that I knew and other parts of me that I didn't know. I was surprised as I thought I knew myself well. I stayed with the question and by the end of the process I felt that in reality I was no one because each time I was someone else. I feel like I found the key to 'who I am'. I am no one but made up of so many faces.»

Leela - Gant - Belgium

«For the first two days I was in the grips of my mind that seemed hell to me. I could not feel anything apart from a blank state that wouldn't clear up, no matter how much I looked into it. I wanted so much to escape this state and my mind was going crazy. In fact, I thought I was going crazy. I wanted to run away from this group as far as possible. The breakthrough came in the evening of the second day when I started to notice that my mind was behaving in the same cunning ways that I had often been behaving in some situations with other people. It was playing the same tricks; it was using the same strategies. My mind was not me and I felt that a space had been created for acceptance and understanding my mind. I stopped feeling that I was wasting my time just watching it and I stopped expecting anything. After Dynamic on the third day I felt light; as if a heavy burden had been lifted off my shoulders. I could still notice my mind trying to go back in the past or plans for the future, but this did not affect me. These thoughts were separate from me, on the periphery and they could not affect me. I suddenly realized that all my suffering in the previous days had been because of my expectations that I didn't want to let go. In that moment all my expectations became dust. There was no pain, no suffering, no desires, just an overwhelming present moment, infinite moment.»

Xiao Yong - Shenzhen - China

«The fact that other participants were listening to me helped me opening my heart widely. It is a good team group in the sense that everyone is seeking himself, this was a help for me. Thank you for giving me a way to discover and enter in contact with myself. This course gave me an opportunity to increase my ability to communicate. I found integrity and openness as well as an understanding in being with myself.»

Being & Living Love

Rob Wilson - Exeter - England

«I attended the three days Love in Awareness intensive. I had such a deep experience of myself on that course and have been busy with my intention since. I had such beautiful moments of realization. Once in the garden looking at a yellowing leaf in my hand which glowed with vibrant colours and when I moved my intention from the leaf to all other objects they were all absolutely perfect and all was just as it is and as it should be. I gasped in surprise at everything i saw and heard and touched, secure in the knowledge that i was viewing and sensing and merging with them in their true state. I found this enquiry work has given me a taste of the truth for which i am sure will keep me busily hungry for the rest of my life (or until i realize that i am actually full up and not hungry at all!) Today I went to the mediation centre round the corner from me and participated in a self-enquiry introduction day and was so surprised at how quickly i was able to enter the exercise again with no hesitation at all. I wish to do more of this work and learn how to lead it. I send you my gratitude and my love and hope you are well.»

Kamala - Nottingham - England

«Thousand thanks for your loving support at the group. It was so good to re-discover the joy and love in my being, and to know that all you said about direct experiences and about the process is right. At least for me it worked, just as you said.»

Daniela - Brighton - England

«Thank you SO MUCH for your Person and Presence and the manner in which you conducted the retreat, it was a real gift to me. Your Love and Awareness and the gracious way you supported us all, and me in particular, were and are very much appreciated!»

Sveta - Odessa - Ukraine

«Just to say a very big Thank you, the workshop 'Love in Awareness' was a tremendous experience for me.»

Cyril - Toulouse - France

«'What love is?' I thought I knew it since I have been in love quite a few times in my life! But this seminar really through everything upside down. It shook down all my ideas on love to let me enter in the experience of “being love”. I had never felt anything like this before, never felt how much love could flow out of me. To be able to recognize and say “I am love” was an incredible experience for me. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.»

Jane - Torquay - England

«Hello Rakendra, I want to thank you for the tremendous weekend at Osho Leela. I was very mistrustful that anything would come of it when I was in it, but now two days later, I find I have a lighter feeling and a sort of direct joy in myself. I don't feel quite so small inside. It's a truly amazing process you've developed and my heart is is grateful. I hope one day to do more work with you. You got the balance between loving support and challenge just right for me. I wish you all good things (and acceptance of everything) With love Jane»

Being the Source

Julien - Roanne - France

«This group was for me an experience that went quite beyond my expectations, beyond all that I knew up to now. An experience that literally blew out my mind and all the ideas that I had around fear and trust! It was a journey into the unknown – what will the next moment reveal? It was moving into the unknown, moment to moment. Working with the instruction, “tell me what trust is” day after day was also not easy for me. Fear and insecurities quickly showed up and it was right in the middle of a moment where I did not know, where I was totally blank, not knowing, that the experience of trust suddenly blew me. The next moment all fear disappeared, I was trust, bathing in a sensation of well-being, of warmth. Everything was perfect, even what was not perfect. There was nothing to change; a smile was beaming across my face.»

Nandan - Sidney - Australia

«The first time I did a 3-day awareness intensive, I had a deep curiosity, a deep need to go inside and find out what was there. I loved the intensity of the process – a whole group of people on the same inner search. It was the beginning of a much deeper look at myself and the start of my meditative process. Two years later, I participated in the 7-day awareness intensive with many people I knew. It was more intense to expose myself and tell these friends how I was feeling. To be honest at the risk of losing friends helped me find my truth. I see koans like a spiral process. I start answering from the mind until it gets fed up and then I continue downwards until I hit the centre and once I hit the centre I have to start again because each moment is different, I'm ever changing. The process never stops. Inside is a feeling of expansion, warmth and wonder. Deep down there is always the question of who is in now, especially when I am confused about something. The koan can pop up at any time. It is not something I drive from my mind; it comes from a deeper place.»

Samarpan - Göttingen - Germany

«I love sitting opposite different partners; each one can trigger something from inside me – not related to them at all. The challenge is to allow myself to be who I am right now and to communicate that in truthfulness, making the communication so intimate. Being truthful and real created awareness about what is happening inside of me. I learned to be in the moment and to be the feeling, not just talk about it. The challenge continues for me in daily life; to be real with people, to be real with myself, to be present in a conversation. It is an adventure to continue to discover myself. The meditation techniques help me go deeper in discovering who I am. This awareness intensive brought a clearer understanding about: “you are not the body, you are not the mind.” I have become more relaxed, more receptive, not only to people but also to trees and flowers. I think that anyone who wants to live a life of joy, aliveness, and truth, should participate in an awareness intensive.»

Khushru - Linz - Austria

«Right after this awareness intensive I felt myself being very fragile, very much like a crystal, very beautiful, but also fragile. I recognized that I had to be very gentle with myself. Being gentle with myself meant for me making use of this deeper understanding and awareness of myself that I gathered during these 3 days. It meant that I could immediately notice, when something that I did, said or wanted, did not really match with what my inner-being wanted to do, say or go for. Still I found myself again not listening to my inner voice, but when asking myself something like ‘Is this really what I want right now?' I can at least become aware of the split that such a situation creates in me. This is especially true in relating with others. I can suddenly watch from which inner motivation I moved into the communication with another. When I act out of neediness and expectation, it didn't feel right and nourishing at all. However, if I only follow a true desire for sharing and connecting with a person, it becomes very beautiful and spontaneous. Therefore, in this watching myself, I suddenly have a choice of what I want to do and after asking myself ‘Who is in?' I more often than normally follow my true inner voice.»

Joelle - Lyon - France

«I met with the Buddha within or maybe I should say the Buddha within showed himself. It was an experience of silence and being in the present moment. I can feel bubbles of joy tickling me, laughter on my face and peace in my heart. This course was also for me an opportunity to experience that we are all fellow travellers, that I can love and accept myself and from that space, love and accept others as they are.»

Ramona - Bucharest - Romania

«The week after the course was like the 'conquest of authenticity land' - one after another, illusions fell down with the speed of light living me somewhat... naked and slightly breathless. It was painful for my ego, but so so good for my heart. Another thing that I've noticed is that I am much much more aware of what is happening inside... Like patterns, reactions... I can simply watch them, understand them and therefore, not getting into them. It's a background of clarity that leaves me no choice for fooling myself... And the interactions with people have gained this... flavour... that comes from being present and aware. And I noticed that, in this state of being present, I have 'feelings' like intuitions, or images or some words that are simply arising into my mind without involving the logical process of thinking... and that are deeply connected with the issue of the one I am talking/relating with... and they are amazingly accurate! Thank you so much Rakendra for your presence and for being such an inspiration.»

Awareness Intensive Training

Khushru - Linz - Austria

«Right after this awareness intensive I felt myself being very fragile, very much like a crystal, very beautiful, but also fragile. I recognized that I had to be very gentle with myself. Being gentle with myself meant for me making use of this deeper understanding and awareness of myself that I gathered during these 3 days. It meant that I could immediately notice, when something that I did, said or wanted, did not really match with what my inner-being wanted to do, say or go for. Still I found myself again not listening to my inner voice, but when asking myself something like "Is this really what I want right now?" I can at least become aware of the split that such a situation creates in me. This is especially true in relating with others. I can suddenly watch from which inner motivation I moved into the communication with another. When I act out of neediness and expectation, it didn't feel right and nourishing at all. However, if I only follow a true desire for sharing and connecting with a person, it becomes very beautiful and spontaneous. Therefore, in this watching myself, I suddenly have a choice of what I want to do and after asking myself "Who is in?" I more often than normally follow my true inner voice.»

Smaran - Exeter - England

«Deep gratitude, especially for what I personally received while participating. I am very grateful for all I learned while assisting you, both in how you work, what you taught, and in gradually learning to be more invisible as a helper rather than offering participants any alternative energy or view. Thank you for all I learned while being with you and helping. Feeling gratitude and emotion.»

Hansa - Vienna - Austria

«I could root myself better in this inner trusting space, and was able to face barriers like insecurity and mistrust in relating. I gain in sensitivity and in ability to relate, especially in stressful situations. Now I can see things as they are rather than as I would like them to be. I'm more true to myself and better connected to my individuality. I realized that I can do much more that I thought I could and move beyond my so called limitations. The talks and answers to other question's provided answers to my own questions. I've enjoyed sharing with others. Rakendra, thank you for being as you are.»

Sheelu - Bay Area - Usa

«I wanted to go deep into the process, to understand it better and to be able to lead it more efficiently. My expectations were more than meet with this training. More precision in my understanding of what we're doing, what we're going for in this process. And an understanding of how this precision is helpful for the participants. Specifically the emphasis on: 'contacting the actuality of oneself in the moment', 'getting a sense' and then 'intending to experience it directly' made the whole process much more tangible and 'do-able'. Before I was always 'hoping' that I would find myself but I did not know how to go about it in any way other than via the mind, which of course never got me anywhere close to myself. Thus, the whole tension around 'intending to have a direct experience' - I couldn't see how to do that and therefore how to guide someone else. Now the steps are spelled out and it seems easier. I now see clearly that a direct experience comes about via sensing, versus via thinking. The experience I had with the 'Who is in?' koan, that I am the koan, the quest, the seeking and that this seeking is eternal, transcending the body, well, I have the feeling it is life transforming. It's probably too soon to tell what the effects are, but so far I can say that I have gained much more self-love and self-respect, from the understanding why I am here (on this earth) – which gives relaxation and a clearer focus to my life, and a sense that future choices or decisions will happen with more ease. I already notice that I don't feel so lost anymore. Even though this experience happened during the 3-day Awareness intensive that was part of the training, I don't think it would have happened without the context of the training, nor without the 7-day Awareness intensive I participated in just before that.»

Ankur - London - England

«I get out of this training with a better understanding of the awareness intensive process as well as a tremendous support for my personal growth. A clearer understanding of what is happening, what I am going through right now in my life.»