Page 24 - En_Retreat Series-Brown_27-Dec-11

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Living Our True Nature _____________________________________________________
Why do it?
Why not?
What can you lose? - What can you gain?
And Who will gain?
You will surely lose yourself, the ‘you’ that you think you are
And thus gain immense freedom,
Knowing that gain and lost are the two side of the same coin
And as such far away from Truth
Yet you may gain an Absence that is full of Presence
Who knows?
Before you embark on this journey, here’s a couple of Advaïta ‘sign posts’ in
case you get lost and a little Chan story to… suggest the way.
You may ask:
« What is enlightenment?
Enlightenment is total emptiness of mind. There is nothing you can do to get it.
Any effort you make can only be an obstruction to it.
Self-Realization is effortless.
What you are trying to find is what you already are.
« The only ultimate understanding is that nothing is, not even he who
understands. »