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Living Our True Nature _____________________________________________________
The Retreats Series
Riding the Bull Home
Experience yourself directly in the present moment
3-day awareness intensive retreat
Riding the bull home is a metaphor used in Zen to indicate that the
practitioner is no longer lured by his illusory mind, by his identifications,
his conditionings; he has gain mastery over mind and body.
The 3-day awareness intensive - Riding the bull home - is a fully
residential silent retreat. A 72-hour structured process, during which
participants are invited to use the self-pointed instruction « Tell me who
is in » to directly experience who they are.
The repeated use of this unique koan « Who is in? » acts like an arrow
piercing the layers of the mind -- our conditioning, our masks, our
identifications with the personality, our beliefs, our pre-conceived ideas.
It acts like a torch in the dark, bringing clarity and awareness to what
we are not, thus unveiling what we are. It clears the way to experience
a state of being where the thinking mind has no relevance.
It is an experience of inner freedom, a liberation from all that up to now
was keeping the person in the illusion of identification, of having. The
participant reconnects back with its vital energy, symbolized by the bull
and move into a relaxed awareness, in the joy of being in the present
moment. The door to his true nature opens.
« Man know thyself, then thou shall know the Universe and God –»
More detailed information
page will tell you when and where the next one is scheduled.